Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Well That's New....

15 weeks. 

I can't believe we are already that far along! That's how I feel in this moment anyways. Other days, it's more like "I cant believe we're only 15...weeks...along."

Recently I've had a couple of new fun symptoms pop up! Let's talk about the first one :


Lately I have the constant feeling of how you feel after eating a large meal, and you know you've over done it. Well, minus the sick-feeling. It's more of just the SUPER tight stomach, and "If I would've eaten one more bite, I'm sure my stomach would split open like a dry chapped lip" feeling. My stomach constantly feels hard, and stretched to it's natural limit. So needless to say, that has prompted me to up the dosage of my "Mother's Friend" stretch mark cream.

Not only do I feel stretched to the max externally, but internally, I feel like my body is beginning to adjust too. Now I cripple in fear and get into the fetal position when I feel a sneeze coming on. Thanks to ligament pain, I have a sharp pain in my lower abdomen with each little sneeze. It scared me at first, but my doctor assured me it was completely normal. Along with the sneezing pain, I feel like right under my ribcage, theres a slight twinge of pain. Nothing crazy, but enough to notice. So I wonder if at almost 4 months in, maybe I'll start to actually look pregnant soon, and not as if I just can't lay off the donuts and cheesecake.

The second, and probably more concerning symptom that has come up, is :

The dreaded pregnancy brain!

This is one that I feel was extremely unfair, and all of  you veteran mommies should have warned me about! It snuck up on me like an unexpected lunch-burp during an important meeting. It was a very unwelcome guest on my list of symptoms. Let me just tell you about the mess it has made for me already.

1.  I forgot to take the trash out before I left for the weekend, that trash bag had crab leg shells in it. Let me explain why this made me furious for a couple reasons. One, I was ashamed I could eat that much food by myself, and was trying to hide it from my husband. (Get that holier-than-thou look off your face, we all do it) Two, and probably the most prevalent reason being..THE SMELL!!!! Walking in Sunday night to a house that had NO A/C running all weekend with 95+ degree weather, made for the thickest....most rotten stench you could imagine. I immediately headed straight for our bathroom, feeling sick as a dog, doused my fingers with the first cologne I could get my hands on, and shoved them up my nose! THEN I sprayed my entire pillow with the cologne, held it as tight as I could, and tried to hurry to sleep to escape the smell. I woke up 4 times that night....because of the smell. Here we are on Wednesday, and I still go through the routine of leaving my door and windows open for the first 2 hours I'm home, and then point a fan towards the door to filter the air that way. I have gone through 4 candles, 3 wax melts, and 3 full cans of air freshener since Monday alone, and the smell is STILL here. Thank you pregnancy brain.

2. It almost ruined my life. That is an extreme statement, but it is true! Let me explain. Monday night I made a trip to Walmart to pick up a couple of tote boxes. See, we sold Mike's computer desk, and I needed to store everything that we had once stored in that desk. So I get the tote boxes, maybe a box of Bagel bites or something....push them in my cart out to the car, put the cart up like EVERYONE should, and go about my merry way. The night passes, nothing seems off. Tuesday passes, still, nothing seems off. I mean, once I got to work, I realized my wallet wasn't in my purse, but I just assumed I left it at home as I had done many times before. So still, nothing had me worried. 
Then came this morning. I was about to stop at the gas station on my way to work, to get a drink. It is then that my eyes shot wide open, and I furiously grabbed my phone and screamed at SIRI to "call Walmart on Kenosha!!".


So finally, like a primate, I actually TYPED in "Walmart Kenosha" into Google, and called them. I explained with a faint heart what my wallet looked like, recited my drivers license number to them on my ID, and 3 painful minutes later, the lady comes back "Yeah we have it!". The next words out of my mouth, I once again blame on pregnancy brain.... "You're kidding me! I could hug you, and I know you're probably not even the one who turned it in! I hope my cash is still in there! I never carry cash but...well, never mind, just thank you! I'll be there after work around 4!" It was like I had diarrhea of the mouth, I couldn't shut up! Luckily that woman was as honest as the person who turned it in, because NONE of my cash was missing, none of my debit cards had been tampered with, my social security card was still hidden and untouched, and my sweet baby ultrasound photos were still there. It looked as if no one had even opened it, I still had a loose receipt in there, not even in a pocket! I couldn't help but think about how much MORE of a mess I would have been in, had someone dishonest taken my wallet. With my social security card in hand, they could have caused me a life-long headache. I have never been more grateful in my life for the good people left in this world! 

So needless to say, I have learned real quick that my journey has just begun. I have a lot to look forward to! Probably the most exciting thing in the near future, is my next appointment! It's only one week away now! Assuming everything goes as planned, and baby Haney cooperates, we should find out the sex of the baby, at which point we can finally share the name we have picked out! And of course, this little mama can finally go shopping!!!! 

I love you sweet baby Haney, and I know you're destined for greatness. God has already anointed you to change the world, he told mommy and daddy so this past weekend. So we have a big responsibility in raising you. We gotta get it right, because we don't just live this life for us, but for a far greater purpose that only we can fulfill with God's help. Don't worry though, we'll do our best to teach you that. I can't wait to see you walk in the anointing placed on your life before you even make your debut on earth. You're gonna do big things, little one. We love you!

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