Sunday, August 11, 2013

And so it begins...

I found out I was pregnant when I was about 3 weeks along. 

This is the uncensored story of our journey from that day forward. Let me catch you up to where we are now.

When I took the first pregnancy test, it wasn't for me. I already knew in my heart, (and because of some fun cues my body was sending), that life inside of me had began growing. I took it because I knew a simple "Babe I'm pregnant, trust me."just would not cut it with Mike. In fact, even the first 2 tests I took wasn't enough proof for him. See, anyone who knows me knows I am notorious for pulling pranks. So when I initially told Mike we were expecting (with a really cute dog tag on Mojo, our Yorkie that said "BIG BROTHER") his reaction was not the huge hug and excitement I had envisioned. It went more like this, even after showing him 2 positive tests:

Mike- "What? Nuh-uh. You can take another one tomorrow"
Me- "There are 2 very positive tests, it won't change by tomorrow"
Mike- "Get 2 or 3 other brands and test this week, then I'll believe it"

So I did just that. About $50 and 8 tests from 4 different brands later, he finally believed me! Or so I had thought. On our first doctor's appointment to confirm what we had discovered, he still asked the nurse "So when will we know that this is legit?" To which the nurse responds, and I quote "Unless she handed me someone else's pee in that cup, she's very pregnant". At this point I guess he still thinks this is an elaborate prank somehow.

About a week and a half after the first appointment, we went back for the first ultrasound so we could see just how far along we were. Since we weren't really trying, it was anyone's guess as to how far we were exactly. Turns out, we were 9 weeks and 1 day! 

Now when I said "weren't really trying", let me explain. On May 28th, our 2 year anniversary, we had decided to start trying, and didn't say anything to anyone. With my history of bad-luck with certain birth controls, I just knew it would take us 6-12 months to have any success, and was ok with that! Well, if you do the math, like Mike and I did immediately after we left the appointment, we discovered we had actually conceived about 2 weeks before we had decided to "try". So it was confirmation to me, that this was in fact a God thing!

At just before 10 weeks, we broke the news to all of our friends and family. That was the hardest secret to keep, and the most fun secret to reveal! We were reminded of how amazing of a support system we have, and re-affirmed of how much love this little boy/girl is going to feel!

Up until I was about 10 weeks, I suffered from extreme nausea, mainly at night. Throughout the day, my main issues were food aversions, never being able to eat without regretting it 10 minutes later, and exhaustion. Mexican food went from being my favorite of all time, to making me gag at the sight of it. I could hardly make it through my work-day without taking a power nap on my 30 minute lunch. I also had periodic headaches which I attributed to the caffeine withdrawal.  

Week 11 is when the food aversions finally started to go away, and all I wanted was kid foods like spaghetti-o's and pizza lunchables. I also craved greasy foods, and my choice was usually either Chicken Nuggets from McDonalds (gross, I know!!) or a Cheeseburger from Sonic. However I really had to be careful because heartburn was always sure to follow! (Note to future pregnant self...heartburn is worse than you remember, please don't give me greasy foods!) I discovered Starbucks made decaf Fraps, and threw a fit when Mike wouldn't make a run for me at 10:00PM one night. After realizing he wasn't going to give in, I took my pajama-clad, hot-mess self and went! THAT'S how bad the cravings get. My friend Portia had tried to tell me a long time ago, but I dismissed the idea, thinking I had this will-power of steel mentality. I have never been more wrong in my life. Cravings always win. Always.

That's pretty much how I have been until 12 weeks 5 days, which is today. It has finally settled in, that Mike and I are going to be parents. February 19th is our expected due date as of now. It seems so far away, but at the same time SO near. Wednesday we go for our 13 week check-up, where we will get to see baby Haney on ultrasound again! I can't wait to see him! (Yes, him. I've had 4 dreams its a boy, but we'll save that for another blog.) While I'm doing this blog mainly for Mike and I, and future pregnancies, I hope you get some entertainment from our story. It will be raw, and real. God Bless!

 (12 weeks 1 day)

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