Thursday, October 3, 2013


142. Never knew I could have such an obsession with a number. That is the number of beats per minute little Londyn's heart beats at 20 weeks.

At the most recent ultrasound, for her anatomy scan, we got to not only HEAR the heart beat, but SEE the heart beat, all 4 chambers, and the blood flowing through the heart. It is mind-blowing to see such detail in such a small being. Every single minute of everyday, I have 142 things to be thankful for. Those precious beats are Mike and I's entire world.

Another fascinating thing we learned was exactly how Londyn "breathes" right now. See, its something I had never really thought about. I mean, I knew she didn't actually breath in and out while inside of me, because she is in fluid, and her lungs haven't expanded yet. Mike asked the doctor how that process worked. She explained that the baby is getting all of her nutrients through the umbilical cord while she is in me, including oxygen. Mike understood and made his realization aloud. He said "So, when she first enters the world, she immediately takes her first breath, using her own lungs that have expanded for the first time. That must be a lot of change for the body go through for such a tiny human. No wonder they cry." We kinda had a little laugh, but a thought hit me immediately.

In our walk with Christ, we go through a phase of growth and development; similar to the time the baby spends in the womb. God spends time forming our vital parts, training our hearts, and filling us with purpose that we will one day discover. All of our spiritual nutrients comes directly from Him through reading the word, spending time in prayer, and worship. Without him, we simply couldn't continue to grow and develop. Then, there comes a day where we must learn to take our first breath. God has already given us the lungs we need, we just have to do the work now. So as we are thrown into our calling, we take a big breath. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes God has to smack our back to get the gunk out. Sometimes he has to shake us up. Eventually though, we take our first breath. It's scary, and new, but we quickly find, each breath becomes more familiar, and a little easier. Suddenly we are doing what we were made to do, with no thought at all, it just happens. As a baby grows older, it continues to breath. Maybe she eats something a little too fast, and her breath stops until the obstruction that is choking her is dislodged. Maybe her breath is briefly taken away when she falls into the water, unable to swim. Remember though, she didn't forget how to breath, and as soon as Mommy or Daddy, or a by-standing family member  saves her from harm, she continues breathing. The same principal applies in our spirit walk. No one ever promised that we wouldn't have times that the breath gets knocked out of us, or that we wouldn't choke, but God always saves us, and we continue breathing, just we we always have.

Now, tonight's blog ventured off a little bit from what you're used to reading. This is how I know Londyn is meant for greatness; because I know you came to get the updated story of her little life, and while you did get a bit of that, I believe some of you were led here because God wanted to remind you of something. What he called you to do, he already formed in you a long time ago. You haven't forgotten how to breath, so just inhale his blessings, and exhale his praise as you walk in the anointing and calling placed on your life.

Londyn Brooke, Mommy and Daddy love you so much. I know we say it a lot, and Mommy writes it a lot. I know we overload Facebook at times with photos and statuses about you at times. Baby, its only because we haven't yet been able to SHOW you how much we love you. Sure, we can buy you things, and talk about you all we want, but nothing will compare to the first time we can hold you, kiss you, and raise you in the Love we have learned through Christ. We can't wait to meet you sweet love, you're beautiful, and meant for greatness.

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