Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Londyn's First Flight and Appetite

So this past weekend, Londyn went on her first flight with Mommy! She did great, not making mom sick, or hurt at all! She did remind mom that her energy isn't what it used to be, because by the end of the weekend, mom was ready to hibernate. Too bad theres this thing called work.

She had so much fun running around Nashville with mom, Aunt P, and cousin Aven! Got some sweet outfits to doll her up in. I couldn't resist the tiny little hot pink pants, leopard jeans, or cardigans! Plus, she just HAD to have the shirt that said "Daddy is my King", because Mike refers to her as his princess! It's just the start of the shopping fun! It's probably best if Dad doesn't see every single receipt after a day of shopping ;)
Another really cool thing has happened since my last post! I felt Londyn kick for the first time! I was at work on my lunch break, and had just got done eating. Well, she rustled around a bit, and I thought I felt her, but wasn't sure. Just as I was thinking "Could that have been....", she gave a big strong kick, 3 times, and I knew for sure it was her! I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day! It really made it sink in, she is a real baby, growing and developing....and she's our baby!

For a tiny baby who's not even here yet, the girl already communicates her love for food! She is definitely her Momma and Daddy's child. We love eating, and we're good at it! Every single time I eat, this little one starts rustling around, kicking and punching with happiness! I've been feeling it for a little over a week now, but last night was a treat, when daddy got to feel her for the first time! She gave a couple of strong kicks or high fives to dad! It was the coolest thing, and Mike's face was priceless! She really likes carb-loaded foods, and sugar. So if I ever want her to move around, I know what to do! That's probably not a good thing for my eating habits, but hey, she is worth it, and what baby wants, baby gets ;)

I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow, and it just doesn't seem real! I can't believe how quickly time is passing! I am trying to savor every moment of this time in her little life, but at the same time, I'm growing more and more anxious with each passing day to kiss her little face! God has already proven over and over that this child is favored. I just received the call today that the test for down syndrome, and the screening for another abnormality (in which the name has escaped me), all came back perfectly normal! It was such a big relief for us. I know regardless we'd love her and God would give us strength and wisdom to raise her, no matter the special circumstances. It would just be a whole new journey!

Well, to close, I guess I could answer a question I've had from a few people....What is the craziest craving I've had...? Well, to be honest, I haven't had any crazy cravings. I really have had aversions to most things, sweets, mexican foods, most fried foods, chicken....etc. The only thing I can say I've consistently "craved" is carbs, such as pasta and bread, and then anything pickled. Which really if you know me, none of those are out of the norm. So I've been fortunate enough to enjoy the pregnancy so far and only gain 3 pounds without paying a lick of attention to what I eat. (Other than what is safe and necessary for Londyn) We'll see how much longer that lasts. And that's all folks! Thanks for following us! We're having a blast! Love you all!

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